We would like take this opportunity to introduce you to theKansas City Metro Junior Golf Club. We are an urban youth focused golf organization that provides golf instructions free of charges, no dues or fees, and this club is open to any 7 to18 year old. Our participants learn to play golf from qualified volunteer instructors, they also learn honesty, integrity, self sufficiency and the team experience. As you know, these qualities transcend from the golf course to daily life.
KCMJGC wants to make Kansas City the junior golf capital of the Mid-West. In our efforts to achieve that goal, we are hosting the 15th Annual Alvin Brooks Annual Metro Junior Golf Classic. The junior tournament is July 14th and-15th 2020, at the Heart of America Golf Academy in Swope Park, and Swope Memorial Golf Course.
We are asking for your support by advertising in our souvenir books. Your partnership will assist in tournament expenses for a deserving young golfer. Below you will find our partnership levels:
$500-Advertisement consist of a full page Ad with pictures, and we carry your banner in the H.B.C. and UNIV. Parade. Ad will be print in color. Will display two hole signs in two golf tournament, and you can select two people to play in Bryant Davis Memorial Tournament.
$300 Full page (8 x 10) advertisement with pictures in the souvenir book, and advertisements on the #1 and #10 tee box hole signs. Will a banner and carry it in H.B.C. and UNIV. Parade.
$250-Will make a banner with your business information, and carry it in the H.B.C. and UNIV. PARADE
3/4 Ad print in color in souvenir book.
$200 Full page (8 x 10) advertisement in the souvenir book.
$150, 3/4 page advertisement in the souvenir book.
$125, Hole sign advertisement on the #1 and #10 tee boxes.
$100, Half page advertisement in the souvenir
$75, 1/4 page advertisement in the souvenir book.
$50, Business card size advertisement.
Your partnership and support would be greatly appreciated.
We are a 501(c) 3 non-profit organization which will allow tax creditrecipts for your donation.
We are asking that all advertisement information and payments be sent to the following address by July 1, 2020:
Any questions call James Johnson 816-313-1274 or mail your AD to the following address.
Copyright © 2018 Kansas City Metro Junior Golf Club - All Rights Reserved.